World Drowning Prevention Day - 25th July

World Drowning Prevention Day – 25th July

 Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland has an amazing array of coastlines, rivers, harbours and lakes. We are never far from water and many of us enjoy connecting with wai and participating in water-based activities. While this proximity to water is great for our wellbeing, it also comes with great risk. This is why the team at Drowning Prevention Auckland are so passionate about getting behind World Drowning Prevention Day and helping to prevent drowning in our community.

On the 25th July the world marks WHO World Drowning Prevention Day to commemorate the lives lost by drowning. Save the date and join in – together we can raise awareness and help to prevent the 77 fatal drownings that occur on average every year in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

 A n y o n e c a n d r o w n , n o o n e s h o u l d.

 Save the date for your organisation to mark the day.

Ideas to mark World Drowning Prevention Day:

•                   Host a ‘Going Blue’ event – An event is a great way to get the whole school, workplace or community involved!

•                   Share water safety messages – Between now and 25 July we will supply drowning prevention education resources that you can share with members of your community.

•                   Go blue on social! – Take a photo of your group forming a water droplet and share it to social with the hashtags #DPAGoingBlue #DrowningPrevention and be in to win! One family will win a family set of lifejackets and one organisation will receive a group water safety resource kit

•                   Run a ‘Going Blue’ fundraiser – hold a mufti day or casual Monday with gold coin donation. We will provide details soon of how to donate as a group.


Get started:

•                   Plan your event - get creative with how you can go blue

•                   Tell your community, employees or customers about your plans by using the promotional materials that will soon be available on our website, including:

o Newsletter image and copy

o Images for social media

o Posters you can write your event details on

•                   Forward a link to the campaign website to someone who might want to join in and share water safety messages that could save lives.


Check out the campaign website for more information about World Drowning Prevention Day and how you can get involved.


Drowning Prevention Auckland is a partner of the Safety Collective Tāmaki Makaurau.


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