Working together to minimise alcohol harm

Kia mahi tahi te whakaiti i te kino ka hua i te waipiro | Let’s work together to minimise the harm from alcohol.

On 7th April 2022 te Kōmiti Whakarite Pārae, Mahi Toi, Hapori, Kaupapa whakaae / the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee approved the Auckland Council whānau Statement of Commitment: Kia mahi tahi te whakaiti i te kino ka hua i te waipiro / Work together to minimise the harm from alcohol. (Item 18, pg 297)

The decision marks the successful completion of phase one: design and establishment of the refreshed strategy as collective impact approach. The Auckland Council whānau Statement of Commitment sets out how we aim to improve the contribution we make to the wider alcohol harm minimisation sector.

This includes a new framework aligned to te ao Māori wellbeing  domains,  a three year coordination plan of council whānau contributor action, a responsive implementation approach and a monitoring and evaluation framework. 


The Statement of Commitment vision is for a safe, vibrant, healthy Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland free from alcohol related harm and is underpinned by four long term outcomes:

• Te Oranga: Communities are empowered to minimise alcohol related harm.

• Te Mauri Ora: Harmful demand of alcohol is minimised

• Te Hauora: Harmful sale and supply of alcohol is minimised

• Te Taiao: Communities are protected from alcohol related harm.

“The key strength is that the Statement of Commitment demonstrates that we take a collective approach, working together and partnering with the sector, using the levers we have to contribute.”


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