Alcohol Advertising used by Off-Licence Alcohol Outlets – Submission - October 2021
The Safety Collective contend that across Tāmaki Makaurau rates of, and inequities in, alcohol consumption and harm are significant, unjust and preventable.
We know that the majority of harm, including injuries caused by alcohol are predictable and preventable and we seek to minimise their occurrence by addressing evidence-based factors in the environment that are shown to increase the risk of alcohol harm. The advertising at off licence premises is one such factor.
We implore and strongly recommend that Auckland Council increase efforts to restrict alcohol advertising at a local level. We encourage work to be undertaken with the New Zealand Government to enable stronger action developing legislation that empowers local government to specifically restrict signs and advertising at liquor stores and for restrictions on alcohol marketing across all media and marketing channels. Such regulation would be consistent with the regulatory frameworks for tobacco and vaping products.
We strongly recommend that Auckland Council apply the strongest restrictions possible to minimise the harm caused from alcohol advertising at liquor stores including:
Recommendation 1: Prohibit all alcohol advertising signs at liquor stores.
Recommendation 2: If recommendation 1 is not fully implemented, the following is recommended: all alcohol marketing signs at liquor stores should be banned. This would include all wall-mounted signs, veranda signs, window signs.
Recommendation 3: If recommendations 1-2 are not fully implemented, the following is recommended so that signs displaying alcohol brands, alcohol products, drinking occasions and product prices are not permitted: signs at liquor stores should be restricted so they can only display objective product information.
Recommendation 4: If recommendations 1-3 are not fully implemented, the following is recommended: The number and size of signs and advertising at liquor stores should be restricted and all alcohol advertising signs at at liquor stores should be banned from public places. Footpaths need to be clear from portable signs such as sandwich boards and flags.
Auckland Council must prioritise compliance activity to ensure that every liquor store in their region is compliant with the Signage Bylaw 2015/the proposed Signs Bylaw 2022, and/or any other bylaw, policy, or plan implemented in the future that relates to signs and advertising.
Compliance with any signage bylaw (e.g., Signs Bylaw 2022) or related policy must be routinely considered by District Licensing Committees in decisions regarding new and renewal applications for off-licences. Non-compliance with any signage rules must result in the licence application being declined until compliance is achieved.