Keeping Auckland Safe and Thriving
Injuries and their long term impacts have profound effects on individuals, their whānau and the wider community.
The Safety Collective Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland is a regional network of organisations seeking to reduce preventable injury and death. It is an accredited Pan Pacific Safe Community, hosted by Auckland Council.
We aim to reduce and prevent injuries, enhance health and wellbeing and to keep Auckland safe and thriving.

Average number hospitalised from injuries
each year in Tāmaki Makaurau
Average number of deaths from
injuries each year in Tāmaki Makaurau
The total social and economic cost of injuries in New Zealand each year has been estimated to be over NZ$10 bn. Injuries in New Zealand account for 6% of all deaths and 10% of all hospitalisations. They are the leading cause of deaths for those aged 5 to 44 years of age, and the second leading cause of hospitalisations across the total population.
In Tāmaki Makaurau the leading causes of injury deaths are falls (30%), suffocation (24%) and transport injuries (17%). The leading causes of injury hospitalisations are falls (46%), transport injuries (13%) and poisonings (9%). The majority of these injuries are predictable and preventable.
There are substantial differences in the number of lives and healthy years lost from injury across different groups in our region. This is particularly so for Māori and Pacific peoples, and communities experiencing socio-economic deprivation.
Our injury prevention priority focus areas are :
Reduce Alcohol
Across Tāmaki Makaurau rates of harm and inequities in alcohol consumption and harm are significant, unjust and preventable.
Improve Transport Safety
Deaths and serious injuries from transport across Tāmaki Makaurau have worsened at a faster rate than the national average and far exceed the growth in distances driven.
Reduce Falls
Across Tāmaki Makaurau 30% of injury deaths and 46% of injury hospitalisations, are due to falls. Those over 65 experience even higher rates.